Statistics on Diversity in the Workplace

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Workplace diversity provides strengths to businesses that are often overlooked. The following statistics on diversity in the workplace outline the benefits of diversifying your workforce by detailing the positive impacts of inclusion on innovation, retention, and revenue. Pollack Peacebuilding provides workplace conflict resolution services which include trainings and coaching programs designed to make conflict an opportunity for growth. Contact us today for support resolving workplace conflict and diversifying your workplace culture.

“Strength lies in differences, not similarities”
-Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Statistics on Diversity in the Workplace and the Benefits of Inclusion

Innovation, revenue, job satisfaction, and retention are all benefits of diversity at work. Making more diverse hiring decisions or fostering leadership opportunities with an eye toward inclusion can add positives to the company culture, value adds, and profitability. Below find some data outlined supporting these claims.

Improved Decision-Making

The following statistics on diversity in the workplace outline the benefits of diversity at work in regard to results and speediness of decision-making.

  • Inclusive teams make better business decisions up to 87% of the time (Cloverpop, 2017).
  • Teams following an inclusive process make decisions twice as fast with half the meetings (Cloverpop, 2017).
  • Decisions made and executed by diverse teams delivered 60% better results (Cloverpop, 2017).

Greater Innovation & Revenue

These statistics on diversity in the workplace focus on the benefits to growth, innovation, and increased revenue.

  • Companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to innovation (Boston Consulting Group, 2018)
  • Improved company culture, leadership, and greater innovation were the top three benefits of diversity identified by respondents (Hays, 2018)
  • 74% of these individuals believe their organization is more innovative when it has a culture of inclusion (Deloitte, 2018)

Greater Job Satisfaction & Performance

These diversity and inclusion stats outline the impacts to individuals in terms of job satisfaction and performance.

  • Generally higher job satisfaction when diversity is higher (Choi, 2016)
  • Sufficient diversity management is correlated with job satisfaction and performance (Ordu, 2016)
  • Basic psychological needs are better satisfied with inclusion, leading to greater job and life satisfaction (

Additional Benefits of Workplace Diversity

Some additional statistics on diversity in the workplace to outline the far-reaching benefits of inclusive hiring.

  • With individuals from different backgrounds and experiences collaborating within a business, that company can capture a greater share of the consumer market (Deloitte, 2018)
  • Bilingual employees can connect to a wider market, increasing revenue, and they also have been found to have increased abilities with prioritizing tasks and working on multiple projects at once (Penn State, 2011).
  • Racially diverse teams outperform non-diverse teams by 35% and collaborate with more sensitivity toward each other (MIT, 2018)
  • Organizations with the most gender-diverse leadership teams saw a higher likelihood of outperforming on profitability by 21% and value creation by 27% (McKinsey, 2019).

Now that you understand the many benefits of diversity at work, you can take the next step of making more inclusive hiring decisions and providing leadership opportunities for employees of varied backgrounds. Pollack Peacebuilding Systems can support you in diversifying your workplace culture which has been shown to increase revenue, decrease retention, and offer a larger pool of qualified candidates to help take your business to the next level. Contact us today for help making your company culture more diverse and prime for innovation.