Category: Communication Skills

Customer Service Etiquette: 7 Essential Tips

Published: April 2, 2024 | Last Updated: April 19, 2024by Jeremy Pollack

In the fast-paced business realm, where every interaction can tip the scales toward success or setback, customer service etiquette is the cornerstone of building and maintaining positive customer relationships. The art of delivering great customer service is not just about resolving queries or making sales—it’s about crafting an experience that leaves a lasting impression, fostering...

According to Gallup, 65% of the U.S. workforce is not actively engaged, and this results in about $300 billion in lost productivity every year. These employees are indifferent and lack inspiration. At the core of this problem lies workplace conflicts. When employees are in conflict with either their organization or their colleagues, they lose inspiration,...

Active Listening

Published: February 8, 2024 | Last Updated: April 19, 2024by Jeremy Pollack

Conflicts are a natural part of human existence, which can become detrimental to business operations if left unresolved. Active listening is the communication skill that stands between you and a peaceful workplace. Active listening goes beyond simply hearing the words spoken by another person. It also involves seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind...

When it comes to conflict resolution, de-escalation training can go a long way toward calming the situation and everyone involved. However, while de-escalation can work in virtually all conflicts, it can actually save lives in the field. Various industries can benefit from this kind of training, including law enforcement, social work, and educators. Although not...

A big part of conflict resolution training is knowing how to talk to those involved in a conflict. However, while communication is a cornerstone of discovering the best resolution, it’s not the only element to master. If you really want to succeed with conflict resolution, you must be as neutral and confidential as possible. But...

Almost everyone has successfully solved a problem by calling a call center, but most people do not truly appreciate the efforts of the call center employees who helped them solve the problem. When their service isn’t working, it’s an emergency and you had better do something about it this instant, but once you fix it,...

Workplace conflicts can often be a bit frightening for large-scale organizations. When conflicts arise, they could lead to adverse consequences, such as lawsuits, legal action, property damage, and a negative brand reputation. However, a company’s typical approach to conflict resolution is to either ignore the problem until it goes away (or gets worse) or remove...

There are various elements to thriving or successful relationships, depending on the type of relationship and environment. Thriving work relationships have different needs than thriving romantic relationships. While each relationship is different and may require unique components to thrive, there is one critical element to simply maintaining a peaceful (i.e. low conflict) relationship no matter...

When you work as a manager, supervisor, or other business leader, dealing with conflict is part of the job. It is hardly the most pleasant aspect, but inevitable from time to time. Effective conflict resolution strategies help you mitigate the damage and allow everyone to move forward as a stronger team. To assist your conflict...