Category: Latest Research in Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding (Page 2)

Research Examines the Role of Human Resource Managers in Workplace Conflict

Summary of: Roper, I., & Higgins, P. (2020). Hidden in plain sight? The human resource management practitioner’s role in dealing with workplace conflict as a source of organisational–professional power. Hum Resour Manag Journal, 30. 508–524. Background & Theory In this research paper, researchers in England review the importance of human resources roles in organizations from both an...

Researchers Examine the Positive Aspects of Conflict in the Workplace

Researchers Examine the Positive Aspects of Conflict in the Workplace

Published: October 26, 2021 | Last Updated: July 14, 2022by Elise Sanchez

Summary of: Lou Y. & Lu, L., (2020). A review of research on team conflict, conflict management and team performance, advances in economics, business and management research, 155, 321-326. Background & Theory There have been a number of research studies completed on the topic of conflict within the workplace. Conflict in the workplace is often...

Researchers Investigate the Meta-Definition of Empathy

Researchers Investigate the Meta-Definition of Empathy

Published: September 21, 2021 | Last Updated: July 14, 2022by Elise Sanchez

Summary of: Guthridge, M., & Giummarra, M. J. (2021). The taxonomy of empathy: A meta-definition and the nine dimensions of the empathic system. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Background & Theory There is a lot of confusion surrounding the word empathy. The diverse many meanings of the word results in descriptions of a highly heterogeneous...

Research Explores Conflict and Crisis Management Strategies and the Importance of Handling Them Appropriately

Summary of: Wobodo, C. C., Orianzi, R., & Oko-Jaja, B. (2020). Conflict and crisis management: A theoretical comparison. European Journal of Business and Management, 12(2), 16-22. Background & Theory This article explored how conflict and crisis both affect organizations and what the response by leadership and management needs to be in order to keep the...

Study Examines Nurses’ Use of Conflict Management in the Workplace

Study Examines Nurses’ Use of Conflict Management in the Workplace

Published: September 7, 2021 | Last Updated: August 8, 2023by Elise Sanchez

Summary Of: Başoğul, C., (2020). Conflict management and teamwork in workplace from the perspective of nurses. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 57(2). 610-619. Background & Theory To improve the workplace atmosphere within patient care facilities, the conflict management between nurses was studied to better understand workplace disruptions. The different strategies that are used when conflicts occur...

Research Examines the Value of Self-Control in the Workplace

Research Examines the Value of Self-Control in the Workplace

Published: September 1, 2021 | Last Updated: May 31, 2024by Natalie Davis

Summary of: Wang, Y., Chen, K., Dou, K., & Liu, Y. (2021). Linking self-control to voluntary behaviors at workplace: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-9. Background & Theory This article evaluates the role of self-control and how it contributes to one’s behavior in the workplace. The initial hypothesis was...

Research Examines Replacing Sympathy for Empathy in Emotionally Demanding Jobs

Summary Of: Wieck, C., Kunzmann, U., & Scheibe, S. (2021). Empathy at work: The role of age and emotional job demands. Psychology and Aging, 36(1), 36–48. Background & Theory Empathy requires both cognitive facets (the ability to perceive others’ emotions accurately) and affective facets (the capacity to share others’ emotions and to feel sympathy)....

Leveraging the Power of Sports for Improving Peace at the Workplace: Lessons from Cyprus

Summary of: Driessen, T. (2021). Sport for peace: Exploring the contribution of sport to cohabitation in a divided society (Dissertation). Background & Theory Intergroup contact can occur in many shapes and forms, one form being sports. Sport-for-peace programs rely on sport and contact in order to contribute to intergroup reconciliation efforts and peaceful society....

Research Examines How to Give an Effective Intergroup Apology

Research Examines How to Give an Effective Intergroup Apology

Published: August 17, 2021 | Last Updated: July 14, 2022by Noah Shaw

Summary of: Nunney, S. J., & Manstead, A. S. R. (2021). Improving the effectiveness of intergroup apologies: The role of apology content and moral emotions. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication. Background & Theory: Past research has indicated that while apologies can be useful for interpersonal forgiveness, people are more skeptical...

Research Examines How Role Conflict Impacts Job Satisfaction Among Nurses

Research Examines How Role Conflict Impacts Job Satisfaction Among Nurses

Published: August 10, 2021 | Last Updated: April 23, 2024by Noah Shaw

Summary of: Naseer, T., Ahmad, F., Bano, A, Kausar, N., Mahmood, S., & Ali, F. (2021). Impact of role conflict and workload on job satisfaction: Moderating role of perceived organizational support. Psychology and Education, 58(5), 4656-4677. Background & Theory: Workplace conflict is a common occurrence across many industries that can impact employees in various ways....