Category: Latest Research in Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding (Page 6)

Summary of: Cohen, J.R. (2020). Negative identity and conflict, 35 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol., 737. Background & Theory This article explores negative identity and how this contributes to conflict. Negative identity is defined here as holding an identity because one is not like another person or not part of a specific group. Research Questions Cohen,...

Summary of: Lowe, M. (2020). Types of Contact: A Field Experiment on Collaborative and Adversarial Caste Integration. Behavioral & Experimental Economics eJournal. Background & Theory Intergroup contact theory or the contact hypothesis is a well-known method of improving ties between communities. In this research, the author argues that the efficacy of intergroup contact depends highly on...

Summary of: Sarkar, A. & Garg, N. (2020). “Peaceful workplace” only a myth?: Examining the mediating role of psychological capital on spirituality and nonviolence behaviour at the workplace. International Journal of Conflict Management, 31(5), 709-728. DOI 10.1108/IJCMA-11-2019-0217 Background & Theory This study explores how to create peaceful work environments by examining how psychological capital, spirituality,...

Summary of: Gallacher, J. D., Heerdink, M. W., & Hewstone, M. (2021). Online engagement between opposing political protest groups via social media is linked to physical violence of offline encounters. Social Media + Society. Background & Theory Digital communication is becoming more common than ever and is known to influence political outcomes for the past few...

Summary of: Winardi, M.A., Prentice, C. & Weaven, S. (2021). Systematic literature review on emotional intelligence and conflict management. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, DOI: 10.1080/21639159.2020.1808847 Background & Theory: There have been a number of studies conducted on the topic of conflict management and emotional intelligence in the workplace. However, there is a...

Summary of: Matheson, K., Branscombe, N., Klar, Y., & Anisman, H. (2019). Observer perceptions of the justifiability of the actions of nations in conflict: The relative importance of conveying national vulnerability verses strength. PLoS ONE, 14(7), 1-20. Background & Theory This article delves into how nations in conflict might persuade other nations to sympathize...

Summary of: Nowak, R. (2020). Process of strategic planning and cognitive diversity as determinants of cohesiveness and performance. Business Process Management Journal, 27(1), 55-74. DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-09-2019-0401 Background & Theory This article examines cohesiveness and performance in the light of strategic planning. The research supports that when a company engages in strategic planning that is understood...

Summary of: Mihaylova, I. (2020). The impact of conflict management training on managers’ self-assessment of their conflict knowledge. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal 43(1), 221-227. Background & Theory: When unmanaged, conflict can lead to severe negative consequences within organizations. Past studies have suggested that unmanaged conflict can lead to decreased employee well-being, lack of trust, and...

Summary of: Bello, Z., & Tanko, G.I. (2020). Review of work-life balance theories. GATR Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review 8(4), 217-227. Background & Theory: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees have transitioned to working from home. While working from home certainly has its benefits, work-life balance has become an...

Summary of: Levy Paluck, E., Porat, R., Clark, C. S., & Green, D. P. (2021). Prejudice reduction: Progress and challenges. Annual Review of Psychology, 72, 533-560.  Background & Theory This article is a meta-analysis of prejudice reduction research (dating back to 2007), and provides an understanding of what we have discovered, what was done well,...

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