Category: Negotiation

Summary of: Tuncel, E., Kong, D. T., Parks, J. M., & van Kleef, G. A. (2020). Face threat sensitivity in distributive negotiations: Effects on negotiator self-esteem and demands. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 255-273. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2020.07.004 Background & Theory This article examines the relationship between face threat sensitivities and a negotiator’s self-esteem when...

When you’re in conflict with another person, attitude is the one thing that can make the encounter productive and an opportunity for growth, rather than a stressful and destructive circumstance. Remember the following 4 conflict resolution tips the next time you’re engaged in a conflict, and it might make all the difference in creating peace...

A client (we’ll call him Jason) recently came to me for counseling prior to a negotiation between him and his business partner. Jason and his partner have been friends for 20 years, but they have only recently gone into business together. Jason had a list of concerns and steps that he wanted to see taken;...