Tag: Conflict Management Training

While your job may not include any responsibilities around conflict or people-management, flexing your conflict resolution skills at work can benefit you in myriad ways. Some people have natural skills and competency around de-escalating tension, communicating fairly, and identifying solutions. If you see yourself in that description, you may want to consider putting those skills...

Summary of: GanshKumar, R., Sujatha, L., & Guru, K. (2021). Effectiveness of conflict management games and activities in workplace. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(11), 395-400. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.5891 Background & Theory This article explores the benefits of conflict management games (and similar activities) to determine conflict management styles within a team in the workplace...

Summary of: De Clercq, D., Fatima, T., & Jahanzeb, S. (2021). Gossiping about an arrogant leader: Sparked by inconsistent leadership, mitigated by employee resilience. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57(3), 269–289. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0021886320917520 Background & Theory: Arrogant leadership is defined as the practice by which leaders engage in presumptuous claims about their competencies, have inflated...

Summary of: Veerankutty, K., & Rehna, V. J. (2020). Role of organizational culture in resolving organizational conflict and its impact on employees performance – A critical overview. International Journal of Innovations in Management, Engineering, and Science, 6(3). Background & Theory This article explores how organizational culture and organizational conflict influence each other, and whether organizational...

Summary of: Li, Z. (2021). Intergroup leadership: Two paths to encourage positive intergroup behaviours [Master’s thesis, Western University]. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. Background & Theory: Social identity theory posits that people encompass a social identity, an awareness that we belong to specific groups. Nestled within the constructs of social identity theory is the concept...

Substantive conflict in the workplace revolves around how the work is getting done. Unlike conflicts that stem from personality conflicts or high stress, this type of conflict reveals gaps in performance as well as the root causes of those gaps. For this reason, substantive conflict can be utilized to strengthen how the team works together...

This week’s conflict resolution tip is about the importance of addressing the perception of threat when in conflict. When we experience conflict within ourselves and with others, sometimes we find that the conflict stems from a place of threat perception. This threat is often directed towards one’s basic psychological needs or goals. For example, an...