Tyler Drogin – Conflict Resolution Expert, Santa Cruz, CA

Photo of Tyler

General Overview

Tyler brings an acute awareness of both the social-emotional aspects of conflict, as well as the practical material ramifications that conflict can have within a team or organization. In this way, he seeks to help individuals and teams find true relational healing and growth, as well as concrete strategies for moving forward productively together. Tyler approaches conflict from a place of compassion and empathy, encouraging parties first to explore their own internal state, and then develop ways to communicate their thoughts constructively to the other parties. By doing so, he helps empower all sides to find solutions that work for each individual, while keeping in mind the larger organizational needs throughout the process. Happily, this process often yields personal and professional growth for all participants.

Business Experience

In his role as Lead Peacebuilder for Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, Tyler engages in conflict training, leadership coaching, peacemaking, facilitated group dialogues, and more for PPS partners throughout the US. In addition, he manages similar initiatives as the Program Director for the Peaceful Leadership Institute. He has worked with private companies, government agencies, and nonprofits in a number of different industries, including construction, social services, entertainment and arts, education, healthcare, manufacturing and logistics, and more. In addition, Tyler also maintains a private practice focused on mediating family and custody disputes. Tyler has previous experience working innternally in security and healthcare, where he saw firsthand how important it is to approach conflict, especially escalated situations, in a constructive and focused manner.


  • Mediation and peacemaking
  • Conflict training
  • Conflict coaching
  • Workplace conflicts
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Government agencies
  • Customer-facing teams


  • Certified Workplace Conflict Specialist™ (CWCS), Peaceful Leaders Academy
  • Bachelors in Economics, Minor in Psychology, Cal Poly SLO
  • Community Mediation Training and Certification, Conflict Resolution Center of Santa Cruz County
  • Child-Custody Mediation Training and Certification, Baltimore Mediation


  • Member, Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)
  • Member, Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME)
  • Program Director at Peaceful Leadership Institute
  • Lead Peacebuilder at Pollack Peacebuilding Systems