Study Shows A Conflict Model on Work Motivation

Published: March 22, 2022 | Last Updated: February 19, 2025by Vanessa Chapman

Summary of:

Conflict Model on Work Motivation 

Augustina , G. (2021). Conflict Model on Work Motivation . Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 2(2), CONFLICT MODEL ON WORK MOTIVATION (2021)

Background & Theory

Each organization experiences a multitude of different types of conflicts. One of them being lack of motivation within employees which ultimately leads to high turnover rates and a lack of productivity in the workplace. This article focuses on functional tactics to enhance workplace motivation. Furthermore, this article elucidates what variables directly correlate to what motivates us on a personal and professional level. 

Research Question(s)

  1. What are some ways to enhance motivation within employees? 
  2. What factors play into motivation? 


Variables of Motivation 

Through the research, it has been proven that conflict is an effort to increase an employee’s motivation in work performance. Motivation ultimately leads to positive attitudes and behaviors within the workplace. This article explores the variables which directly intertwine into motivation: interest, need, value, attitude, and aspirations. There is a direct correlation between motivation, psychological safety, inclusion, trust, and self-actualization. 

Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation

Researchers have shown through studies that the basic components of motivation consist of needs, desires, behaviors, and goals. There is also a differentiation between intrinsic and extrinsic goals. For example, a motivating factor of employees that is an extrinsic goal relates directly to their salary, promotions, and praise. An intrinsic reward relates to the feeling of reward, fulfillment, and appreciation for the work they are producing. It is pertinent to motivate employees through both of these methods. 

 Workplace Motivation With Colleagues 

Values and goals are extremely important to identify within employees. When these variables are understood, leaders can mold their training programs around those aligned values and how they align with the mission of the company. Motivation is also highly dependent on the attitudes and behaviors of the colleagues they work with. The energy of others directly impacts us in several capacities when trying to complete projects, while also building sustainable relationships with others. Furthermore, the research shows how important it is for leaders to constantly be developing their emotional intelligence in order to understand what truly drives their employees. 


Overall, motivation is very important for personal goals as well as professional goals within the organization. In order for organizations to create a cohesive, positive, and motivational workplace culture we must continue to show appreciation and gratitude for the work employees produce. It is vital to show intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within employees for them to reach the highest satisfaction and potential within their respective roles. 

What This Means

  • Leaders must give positive feedback when employees perform well, but also have the knowledge and tools to provide motivation and de escalate conflict in an effective way
  • It is important to provide new learning methodologies to their employees to reach their full potential
  • Leaders must understand the psychological needs of employees to maintain a positive workplace culture
  • Our underlying motivations in life come from a personal standpoint, understanding those variables is the key to success in fostering a positive workplace culture

Final Takeaway

For consultants: Consultants should continue to be creative and come up with new ways to create motivation within the team, and lead by example with a positive attitude each day to empower others.

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For everyone: It is important to understand our true values, desires, and aspirations in order for us to find fulfillment within our careers. 


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Vanessa Chapman

Vanessa has a background in Business, Psychology, and Mediation. She is currently Director of Client Services for Peaceful Leaders Academy. Some of her hobbies include continuous learning, reading, writing, and participating in yoga retreats!