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Jon Houston

Jonathan has been a freelance writer since 2014, and focuses on leadership and conflict management for PPS. He loves food, traveling, and movies, although not necessarily in that order. He lives in Atlanta, although his heart is still in Los Angeles. He has written for a diverse number of clients and loves learning about new topics and industries.

Conflict Resolution Training as a Catalyst for Organizational Growth in Large-Scale Businesses

Workplace conflicts can often be a bit frightening for large-scale organizations. When conflicts arise, they could lead to adverse consequences, such as lawsuits, legal action, property damage, and a negative brand reputation. However, a company’s typical approach to conflict resolution is to either ignore the problem until it goes away (or gets worse) or remove...

Managing Conflict in Large-Scale Organizations: Strategies for Success

Managing Conflict in Large-Scale Organizations: Strategies for Success

Published: June 12, 2023 | Last Updated: December 4, 2023by Jon Houston

When running a large-scale organization, there are tons of moving parts to pay attention to. For that reason, most large companies segment everyone into departments and teams, with direct and department-level managers overseeing employees. With such a rigid and segmented workforce, it’s hard to create a cohesive and uniform company culture. Also, with so many...