Research Shows “Communication Harmony” Plays Role in Resolving Conflict

Published: July 15, 2020 | Last Updated: February 19, 2025by Natalie Davis

Summary of:

Putra, F. D. (2020). Harmony communication in peace language and conflict resolution. International Journal of Communication and Society, 2(2), 88-95. Retrieved from

Background & Theory

This article discusses how using peaceful language and nonviolence can create “harmony communication,” or communicating in a way that creates peace. The idea being that using peaceful language and being willing to address conflict resolution can assist in modeling peace and resolving issues at hand.

Research Question

The author addresses the following question:
What role does peaceful language have in regards to conflict resolution, and how do these combine to create harmony communication?


Putra explains the meaning of conflict resolution, peaceful language, communication harmony, theory, and model, and discusses the practical implications of each. The author reviews a few examples of modern-day conflicts and how language has been used to provide examples and further elaborate on the point being made overall.


The author concludes that peaceful language can play a large role in resolving conflict. When we use language and words to communicate negatively or defensively, it can prolong conflict. Using peaceful language and having a goal to create peace equal to communication harmony, or in other words, using language in such a way that it helps resolve the conflict at hand and create lasting peace. A topic the author touches on is that no one model for conflict resolution is perfect, and instead the goal is simply to do what is best in that situation and seek to communicate in ways that encourage conflict resolution. Thus, peaceful communication and language with a goal for conflict resolution create communication harmony, or a peaceful situation, and communities need to back this kind of behavior so as to create peace for all.

What This Means

Being willing to resolve conflict and purposefully using language that promotes peace and is positive rather than negative, ultimately creates “harmony communication,” and helps in resolving the conflict at hand. Attitude and deliberate actions to resolve conflict make a huge difference. It’s critical that those engaged in conflict understand this, or it makes resolution much harder.

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Final Takeaway

For consultants: Find ways to use peaceful language with your clients, and look for ways to challenge them or encourage them to use peaceful language within the conflict at hand. When the goal is peace, and there are actions taken to achieve this, it changes attitudes for those involved and makes conflict resolution much easier.
For everyone: Language is powerful; choose your words carefully and find ways to communicate with others positively. When in a conflict, this awareness will be most helpful.

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Natalie Davis

Natalie Davis is an Executive Assistant at George Mason University, which is the largest public research university in Virginia. Her role as a C-level executive assistant has made her an expert in communication, public relations, administrative support, and customer service. In the role of Research Writer for Pollack Peacebuilding, Natalie examines the latest dispute resolution research and applies it to both content distribution and PPS’ best practices. Learn more about Natalie here!