Tag: international conflict resolution

Research Explores Observer Country’s Thoughts Toward Other Nations in Conflict: What This Means for Any Conflict

Summary of: Matheson, K., Branscombe, N., Klar, Y., & Anisman, H. (2019). Observer perceptions of the justifiability of the actions of nations in conflict: The relative importance of conveying national vulnerability verses strength. PLoS ONE, 14(7), 1-20. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0220303 Background & Theory This article delves into how nations in conflict might persuade other nations to sympathize...

Recent Article Studies Intergroup Contact Theory and How to Resolve a Common Issue in Society: Prejudice

Summary of: Christ, O., & Kauff, M. (2019). Intergroup contact theory. In K. Sassenberg, M. L. W. Vliek (eds.), Social psychology in action (pp 145-161). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. Retrieved from Background & Theory A recurring question in social sciences and even in mediation is regarding how to reduce prejudice and resolve intergroup...

The Global Parliament of Mayors Signs Peace in Our Cities Pledge; Aims to Reduce World Violence by 2030

Violence is a heartbreaking reality in our world. Rates of people killed in violent conflict are 10 times higher than they were in 2005, according to the United Nations. These statistics are scary, but there are groups of people around the world devoting their time and resources to building lasting world peace. A group of...

New Study Shows Human Rights Within Conflict Resolution May Be the Key for Sustainable Peace

Summary of: Fuentes-Julio, C. & Ibrahim, R. (2019). A human rights approach to conflict resolution. Ethics and International Affairs, 33, Issue 3, 261-273. Background & Theory Commonly thought of as two different areas that hold fundamental differences, the benefits of combining a human rights approach with a conflict resolution approach to solving conflict is often...

New Study Examines the History, Opportunities, and Challenges for Mediation in Nigerian Land Disputes

Summary of: Uwaezuoke, I.N., & Owolabi, M.K. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities of Resolving Land Use Conflicts Through Mediation in Nigeria. The Proceedings of International Conference of Environmental Sciences, 264-271. Background & Theory: In Nigeria, what on the surface look like cultural disputes are often land disputes between villages, neighborhoods, or households. With land becoming an...

Conflict Identity: A Roadblock to Peace & Conflict Resolution

Conflict Identity: A Roadblock to Peace & Conflict Resolution

Published: December 19, 2017 | Last Updated: December 20, 2024by Jeremy Pollack

Most individuals and groups who appear stuck in long-standing conflicts define themselves, at least in part, as “the ones who must fight.” Whether they see themselves as victims, dominants, or simply as having to struggle to survive or thrive; whether this struggle is with another party or simply within themselves (the individual’s life or among...