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Natalie Davis

Natalie Davis is an Executive Assistant at George Mason University, which is the largest public research university in Virginia. Her role as a C-level executive assistant has made her an expert in communication, public relations, administrative support, and customer service. In the role of Research Writer for Pollack Peacebuilding, Natalie examines the latest dispute resolution research and applies it to both content distribution and PPS’ best practices. Learn more about Natalie here!

Research Shows Impact of Cultural Mixing in Creating Positive Intergroup Relations

Summary of: Bao, Y., Zhao, Y., Xiao, Z., Liang, F., Wang, W., & Li, B. (2020). Fusion of “you and me”: Cultural mixing promotes intergroup psychological compatibility. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(5), 353-369. Background & Theory This article examines how cultural mixing might influence intergroup relations, specifically by evaluating how people may feel connected to outgroup...

How Are Competition and Conflict Linked, and What Does This Mean for Conflict Resolution?

Summary of: Rahal, R-M., & van Beest, I. (2020). Conflict and competition. Manuscript submitted for publication. In R. A. R. Gurung (Ed.), Research encyclopedia of psychology in the real world Routledge. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ykj42 Background & Theory This article offers a review of the unique factors that contribute to both conflict and competition, and how competition might...

Research Explains How We Can Better Understand Intergroup and Intragroup Conflict Through Vervet Monkeys

Summary of: Arseneau-Robar, T. J. M., Müller, E., Taucher, A. L., van Schaik, C. P., Bshary, R., & Willems, E. P. (2018). Male monkeys use punishment and coercion to de-escalate costly intergroup fights. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1880), 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.2323 Background & Theory This article examines how Vervet monkeys interact with...

Research Shows Parochial Cooperation and Competition Play Role in Carrying-Capacity Stress and Intergroup Conflict

Summary of: De Dreu, C. K. W., Gross, J., Fariña, A., & Ma, Y. (2020). Group cooperation, carrying-capacity stress, and intergroup conflict. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(9), 760-776. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1364661320301467 Background & Theory This article examines intergroup relations and conflict, specifically by evaluating group cooperation and carrying-capacity stress. As groups expand, carrying-capacity stress may do the...

Research Shows Social Distance May Influence Intergroup Conflict

Research Shows Social Distance May Influence Intergroup Conflict

Published: October 7, 2020 | Last Updated: January 10, 2025by Natalie Davis

Boulu-Reshef, B., & Schulhofer-Wohl, J. (2019). Social distance and parochial altruism: An experimental study. HAL, 1-11. hal-02135633f. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35568.20485 Background & Theory This article examines a potential cause of intergroup conflict through a study examining different groups and how social distance may influence parochial altruism. For the purpose of this article, parochial altruism is “defined...

Research Shows the Value of Confidence for Negotiators in Creating Ideal Resolutions

Summary of: Tuncel, E., Kong, D. T., Parks, J. M., & van Kleef, G. A. (2020). Face threat sensitivity in distributive negotiations: Effects on negotiator self-esteem and demands. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 255-273. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2020.07.004 Background & Theory This article examines the relationship between face threat sensitivities and a negotiator’s self-esteem when...

Research Looks at Intergroup Contact as a Means to Reduce Implicit Bias

Research Looks at Intergroup Contact as a Means to Reduce Implicit Bias

Published: September 9, 2020 | Last Updated: January 10, 2025by Natalie Davis

Summary of: Rae, J. R., Reimer, N. K., Calanchini, J., Lai, C. K., Rivers, A. M., Dasgupta, N., Hewstone, M., & Schmid, K. (2018). Intergroup contact and implicit racial attitudes: Contact is related to less activation of biased evaluation but is unrelated to bias inhibition. N.p. Web. 09 Sep 2020. https://osf.io/3qnmx/.  Background & Theory This...

Research Suggests Power is Key Component to Resolve Intergroup Conflict

Research Suggests Power is Key Component to Resolve Intergroup Conflict

Published: September 2, 2020 | Last Updated: January 10, 2025by Natalie Davis

Summary of: Kteily, N. S., & McClanahan, K. J. (2019). Incorporating insights about intergroup power and dominance to help increase harmony and equality between groups in conflict. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 80-85. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2352250X19300818 Background & Theory This article evaluates the role that power plays in intergroup conflict and its resolution. It discusses how any...

Research Shows “Communication Harmony” Plays Role in Resolving Conflict

Summary of: Putra, F. D. (2020). Harmony communication in peace language and conflict resolution. International Journal of Communication and Society, 2(2), 88-95. Retrieved from https://pubs2.ascee.org/index.php/ijcs/article/view/134 Background & Theory This article discusses how using peaceful language and nonviolence can create “harmony communication,” or communicating in a way that creates peace. The idea being that using peaceful...

What Gandhi Can Teach Us About Resolving Conflict and Attaining Peace

Summary of: Kumar, A., & Kumar Singh, A. (2019). Conflict resolution: An analysis of Gandhian approach. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342105242_Conflict_Resolution_An_Analysis_of_Gandhian_Approach Background & Theory This article approaches conflict resolution through the lens of Mahatma Gandhi’s life and values. The authors explain the methods Gandhi used to approach conflict and come to peaceful resolution for all members involved....